
About That Aaron Guy

I've had a love of words, both spoken and on the written page, pretty much as long as I can remember. I've been an avid reader since I was about 4, but it took me until I was almost 40 before I thought I may actually have enough of a verbal knack that someone might want to read what I had to say. I think a more accurate way for me to put this is that when people would read short little blurbs I wrote either in emails, on social media, or just in random insignificant places, they'd ask me something along the lines of, "What are you doing driving a forklift? You should be a writer, or something." My usual response would be to laugh, thank them, and then think that I didn't have enough to say that would be of any relevance.

In September of 2016 I thought I'd try my hand at writing poetry, so I wrote a short poem I titled One Summer Night in '94, intending to only share it with my wife. Over the next several weeks, I found myself writing more poems, and I just figured writing poetry would be something I could do as a hobby. Little did I know my wife would convince me in short order to share those writings with the world. Fast forward about nine months, and I had Always Enough Air, my first collection of poetry, self-published and released on its own out into the world.

Now I feel like a bit of a juggler with all the different things I'm writing. I've got what basically amounts to three blogs, this one, a travel blog that my wife, Deborah, and I contribute to, and a book review section that's also over on Thompson Travels where I lay bear my own personal opinions about the various books I read. I know you're probably thinking, "I've seen quite a few book reviews here on your life and random musings blog, too, Aaron." That's because I tend to cross post amongst the three blogs if the subject seems to fit.

The poetry stream has slowed down a bit recently, but it still trickles out a few lines to me now and then. I'm also in the middle of my first novel, and I've started either a second novel or a short story. It hasn't bothered to let me know which one it wants to be when it grows up. I don't spend as much time at the keyboard as I would like to in a perfect world, but I'm getting better about not beating up on myself on those days when I feel that nothing of consequence has been put down on the screen. Especially since I have other things going on in my life besides pecking away at my various keyboards all the time.

Deborah and I like to check out interesting and unique things in whatever area we happen to be in at the moment, from scenic drives and hikes to antique malls and flea markets, and even attending the occasional gunfight. We also like to spend our evenings pitted against one another in desperate struggles for supremacy playing 30 or 40 year old video games. Yes, we're both nerds, although I claim to be more heavily steeped in geekdom than she is. Sometimes she even lets me get away with such remarks!

My hope is that you'll enjoy my various musings around these parts, and ultimately that you'll join me as I wander around, attempting to craft something interesting around my own personal wordsmith forge. I promise not to wander aimlessly too often, and I'll make every attempt not to burn the place down!

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